/** MantisBT - a php based bugtracking system
 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002  Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org
 * Copyright (C) 2002 - 2016  MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
 * MantisBT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MantisBT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MantisBT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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/** Korean (한국어)
 * See the qqq 'language' for message documentation incl. usage of parameters
 * To improve a translation please visit http://translatewiki.net
 * @ingroup Language
 * @file
 * @author Changwoo
 * @author Hong3e
 * @author Jerrykim306
 * @author SeoJeongHo
 * @author Wisewolf
 * @author Ykhwong
 * @author 아라

$s_plugin_MantisGraph_title = '맨티스 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_description = '공식 그래프 플러그인.';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_config = '설정';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_tab_label = '그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_status_link = '상태별';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_priority_link = '우선 순위별';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_severity_link = '심각도별';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_category_link = '분류별';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_resolution_link = '해결상태별';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_issue_trends_link = '이슈 추이';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_imp_status_title = '상태별 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_imp_priority_title = '우선 순위별 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_imp_severity_title = '심각도별 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_imp_category_title = '카테고리별 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_imp_resolution_title = '해결상태별 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_developer_title = '개발자별 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_reporter_title = '보고자별 그래프';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_issues_trend_title = '신규/해결/잔여 이슈';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_status_pct = '상태별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_priority_pct = '우선 순위별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_severity_pct = '심각도별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_category_pct = '카테고리별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_resolution_pct = '해결별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_severity_mix = '심각도와 상태별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_priority_mix = '우선 순위와 상태별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_by_resolution_mix = '해결과 상태별 백분율';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_legend_still_open = '진행 중';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_legend_resolved = '해결됨';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_legend_reported = '보고됨';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_none = '없음';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_this_week = '이번 주';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_last_week = '지난 주';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_two_weeks = '지난 2주';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_this_month = '이번 달';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_last_month = '지난 달';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_this_quarter = '이번 분기';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_last_quarter = '지난 분기';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_year_to_date = '올해 현재까지';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_select = '임의의 날짜';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_period_last_year = '지난 해';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_page = '이슈 기록을 그래프로 그리기';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_topdev = '이슈를 제일 많이 수정한 사람';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_opendev = '이슈를 가장 많이 올린 사람';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_graph_topreporter_fixed = '수정된 이슈가 많은 보고자';
$s_plugin_MantisGraph_other_categories = '다른 분류 (%d)';